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My Philosophy of Leadership

I believe that relationships are at the core of any great leadership model.  I base this belief on years of experience, as well as the latest research on the subject.  With regards to school/educational leadership, I think the effort to establish and maintain good, healthy relationships is even more essential.  On a smaller scale, you can observe the impact and significance of relational leadership in the classroom.  The teacher who has laid the “relationship foundation” will inevitably be more successful than the one who has not. 

Right alongside of relationships, the ultimate goal of a successful organization should be to build effective teams that are functional and committed to the vision.  I’ve borrowed from Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team to assist my philosophy.  I truly believe that trust is foundational.  Only after the leader has developed and nurtured this aspect, can he or she work through the conflict that is necessary to build commitment, garner accountability, and finally, reach the desired results.   

Finally, and this is in keeping with the first two tenants, is the importance of building a culture of success.  In some places, this is easier than others, because of where each organization is on the “culture continuum.”  I believe it is up to “the leader” to astutely access the initial culture, and then decide the most appropriate options for change.  The rate at which the changes are made, could be as important, if not more so, than the type of changes made.  All three, relationship, trust, and culture building are intertwined, and at the center of my philosophy for great leadership/administration.