Seminars & Presentations


Seminars & Presentations - 2 Hours

Dr. Calvin tackles the tough issues with regards to diversity and inclusion, culture, teamwork, leadership and mentorship.  He also speaks on motivational topics specifically designed for your organization's needs.

Seminar & Presentations - 2-Hours Seminar & Presentations - 2-Hours
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Seminar & Presentations - 2-Hours

Seminars & Presentations - 6 Hours

Dr. Lawrence is capable of motivating and inspiring groups and individuals of all ages and persuasions.  He's an excellent communicator and a master teacher. trainer and storyteller.  He's the kind of leader who reads the room and understands the needs of his audiences.  He pays attention to detail, and he makes the learning and knowledge experience fun! 

Seminar & Presentations - 6 Hours Seminar & Presentations - 6 Hours
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Seminar & Presentations - 6 Hours

Seminars & Presentations - 1.5 Day Training

Dr. Lawrence draws from a wealth of experience that reaches his audience.  He started his career in K-12 and has taught or administrated students and adults at every level imaginable.  He is great with students and staff when it comes to education and he's no stranger to the corporate world.  He enjoys sharing lessons in humility and grace, and he always leaves his audiences with something they can apply in their workplaces, careers and personal lives.

Seminars & Presentations - 1.5-Day Training Seminars & Presentations - 1.5-Day Training
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Seminars & Presentations - 1.5-Day Training

Seminars & Presentations - 2 Day Training

Dr. Calvin is a mediator, facilitator, and professional motivator.  He gives his all in presentations and seminars and makes people feel valued and welcomed.  He is a relationship master and places special emphasis on relationship building.  Dr. Calvin has had some great mentors who've imparted amazing wisdom along his life's journey.  And now, his career is focused on passing it forward! 

Seminars & Presentations - 2-Day Training Seminars & Presentations - 2-Day Training
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Seminars & Presentations - 2-Day Training