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Finding a way to Heal

The great German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, once said that “All Truth passes through 3 stages.  First it is ridiculed.  Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  So, having stated this framework with regards to truth, there is still racism in the world and racism in America.  Another truth, that is seeking to manifest itself, but is probably between the first and second stages, is that black lives matter.  We are in the middle of a “monumental” movement to validate those lives specifically.  

In response to a recent article titled, “Are we seeing reverse segregation,” I felt the need to respond.  Not out of anger or pity, but out of a deep need to educate and enlighten.  I am an African American male, and I have lived all 60 years of my life in the south, first in Virginia, and these last 32 years in the great state of Texas.  I am an American, and I am very pleased to say so.  I am also the descendent of slaves only 3 generations removed, so I feel I have a perspective.  My greatest goal now is to assist in bringing healing to a country, state and county in desperate need of it.  My main objective is to bridge gaps, open real dialogue, and create positive solutions and progress for present and future generations.  And, I cannot think of a greater cause to devote my final life’s work to. 

Black lives really do matter!  We live in a society where there is institutionalized, systemic racism, and many do not even know it.  Or in some cases, they may know, but choose not to deal with it.  And maybe they hope it will just go away or blow over.  You know, we have seen this movie before.  Well, the feel of what is currently happening is different people.  It is being felt all over the world in ways we have never seen, at least not in my lifetime.  So, if it just won’t go away on it’s own, and we are at a “tipping point,” what are we supposed to do? 

Remember when “they” used to say that during Sunday morning in America it was the most segregated hour of the week?  Well, I don’t know if “they” still say it, but it is still true!  Separate church services for separate ethnic groups of people still predominates our country.  This didn’t just start, and the question is when will it end?  And why is it?  Ask yourself that question, and if you are a church goer, what have you done as an individual to remedy this problem?  And if you don’t think it’s a problem… 

There are so many other examples of racism that has become embedded in our culture, and we take it for granted.  Well, I hardly know where to begin, but I’ll go back to the previous article to illustrate the main points here.  Black institutions like banks, colleges, businesses, schools, civic organizations, churches, etc., were formed because we, as African Americans were not given access.  We were denied the right, privileges and opportunities afforded other Americans.  We had no other choice with which to make progressive gains.  How do you remain optimistic in the face of severe adversity?  You find another way.  Believe me when I say that “black folks” have been very creative in making it work. 

There is a reason that some, not all African Americans don’t feel the same way as others do when Francis Scott Key’s famous words of liberty and freedom ring over us in a public gathering, primarily at the beginning of sporting events.  It has a different meaning and an unkept promise.  It’s very difficult to get excited when you or your brothers and sisters have or are being persecuted.  Why would I say that?  Well, current/recent events have made it very self-evident. 

At the very beginning, I mentioned the work of famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.  My prayer and hope is that if we have to go through “stage two” with regard to how a new truth is vetted, we do not spend much time there and move quickly into stage three.  My desire is that many in this community, the critical mass, will help be the change.  So, if you are the member of a church, social or civic group, or just a concerned and awakened citizen, please help me make this happen.  Love conquers hate every day of the week, including Sunday!